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Kalchakra Samachar Trust is committed to patriotic, independent, objective and fearless journalism; true to the spirit of our freedom fighters.

It’s dedicated small team of journalists, drawn from different backgrounds, works voluntarily for this mission. We all have one common goal: to provide you unbiased news and persistent follow ups with crusading zeal. That is why we have been repeatedly creating history in post independent India.

To ensure our editorial freedom, we keep our costs very low, hence do not chase advertisements but depend upon donations from patriotic individuals and professionals.

Donations to KST are exempted under Section 80G of Income Tax Act. If you value this kind of non-advertorial journalism, you are welcome to contribute at the following:

Acc. Name- Kalchakra Samachar Trust,
A/c No- 00321000010568,
HDFC Bank SDA Branch IFSC – HDFC0000032
Ph. 011-26566800


Disclaimer: Images used on this site have been downloaded from the internet, with no commercial intention. Kalchakra is does not claim any ownership or copyright on the images downloaded. These images are mere depiction of the images to relate them with the story.