Why no action is being taken by DGCA against a Habitual Offender?

Ever since we exposed a series of violations by a senior pilot of the Govt. of UP, Capt. Pragyesh Misra, we have been flooded with numerous complaints about several pilots flying for other State Governments.
Surprisingly, even though these pilots have been regularly flouting the rules of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), yet they continue to fly the VIPs onboard the State aircrafts.
We at Kalchakra have been regularly reporting such events to the Regulator – the DGCA, India.
The case in light is the crash of the factory new 9 seater Beechcraft King Air B 250 aeroplane VT-MPQ owned by the Govt of Madhya Pradesh on 06 May 2021 at Gwalior, flown by Capt. Syed Majid Akhtar who is a perpetual violator of Rules and habitual offender.
Crashed aircraft VT-MPQ was loaded with Remdesivir Injections after removing passenger seats
The ill-fated aeroplane (VT-MPQ) inducted in the state fleet in September 2020 was reportedly carrying life saving injections Remdesivir.
Though, the Regulator will investigate the various aspects of this crash-landing, the subject experts at Kalchakra believe that the following pointers on diligent investigation and scrutiny will identify the events leading to the crash-landings and those responsible for incurring this huge loss:
• Was the required permission/approval obtained by the MP Aviation from the Regulator for transporting medicines on the State aeroplane and using it as a cargo aeroplane? Incidentally, the Operating Permit is issued to MP for meeting the air travel requirements of the State/ Central VIPs and High Dignitaries. Considering the emergent situation due to COVID, did the MP Aviation even approach the local office of the Regulator for a provisional approval?
• Was the required permission/approval obtained by the MP Aviation for removing the passenger seats of the aeroplane before operating cargo flights? Because, when the seats are removed, the weight and balance schedule changes, affecting the Center of Gravity (CG) of the aeroplane. Hence, another approval for weight and balance schedule without the seats must be obtained. Which weight and balance sheet was used for the ill-fated flight by the flight crew will tell the true story.
• Were the boxes holding the injections secured by harnesses or lashings? If not done so, did the rapid and violent movement of these boxes become a contributory factor resulting in the crash-landing, due to the abrupt shift in the CG?
• Did the onboard MP Govt official besides the flight crew occupy a seat having mandatory safety seat belts? The question emerges as the passenger seats had been removed.
• Was the pilot adhering to the DGCA Flight and Duty Time limits (FDTL) regulations? Were they fatigued leading to impaired judgement and poor performance?
It is reliably learnt that at Gwalior:
• The runway in use was ‘24 Left’ and is equipped with Instrument Landing System (ILS). This ILS is preferred for use particularly during night by all pilots.
• The Pilot-in-Command (PIC) exercised his discretion to choose the opposite runway ’06 Right’ for a Visual Approach that was approved by the Air Traffic Control (ATC), Gwalior.
It is important to note that, the moment a pilot chooses a ‘visual approach’ the responsibility to maintain separation from the ground below/ obstacles shifts from the ATC to the PIC.
The minimum required height of the landing aeroplane over the beginning of the runway (threshold) should be 50 feet.
The arrester barrier are installed approx. 300 feet before the beginning of the runway 06 Right. This means, that the landing aeroplane should have been at least 75 feet above the arrester barrier during a visual approach. Under which circumstances did the MP State plane fly so low and short of the runway that it got entangled in the arrester barrier? Which factors were contemplated by the PIC when choosing runway 06 RIGHT over runway 24 Left?
Arrester Barriers or Aeroplane Arresting Systems are barriers made of cables/ inertial reels installed at runway end, primarily used to stop fighter/ attack jets from over-running the runway.
It is pertinent to mention that the PIC of accidental plane, VTMPQ was Capt. Syed Majid Akhtar, an employee of the Madhya Pradesh Govt. and DGCA approved Examiner on B200/250 aeroplanes. This pilot is already under the scanner for various irregularities, malpractices and unprofessionalism, some of which are briefly mentioned herewith.
Capt. Akhtar could not complete his Recurrent Simulator Training due to poor performance on SKA 200 aeroplane at Flight Safety International, Long Beach Learning Center, USA in Nov 2009 (copy of reports available with Kalchakra).
Inspite of the above, Capt S.M. Akhtar got approved as Examiner on B200/ 250 and continued to hold this position on account of his closeness to the political masters by influencing the Regulator.
Capt. Akhtar gave flying clearance to one Capt M.K. Pandey overlooking all relevant records, documents and past poor performances of Capt. Pandey including his inability to complete simulator training on B200 at Flight Safety International due to poor performance.
Capt. Akhtar, appointed himself on the non-existent post of Chief Pilot, MP (his designation being Senior Pilot) and wrote to the FSD, DGCA for a Type conversion approval for one Upendra Sirothia showing him as an empanelled pilot with MP, which turned out to be a false claim. Much earlier, Sirothia had been barred by the MP Govt for any aviation related duties/ appointments.
Capt. Akhtar got the second dose of Covid vaccine on 17th March 2021 and operated as PIC with Hon’ble Governor of Madhya Pradesh onboard the MP State aeroplane from Ahmedabad to Lucknow on the same day. He was aware of the DGCA regulation issued vide Medical Circular 01/2021 dated 09 Mar 2021, wherein a pilot or crew member is termed as temporarily medically unfit for flying duties for 48 Hrs. from the day of vaccination and thus violated Para (a) of Rule 21A of Aeroplane Rules 1937.
Most of the above acts of Capt Majid’s unprofessionalism, impropriety, conceit and fraud have long been forwarded by Rajneesh Kapur, Managing Editor of Kalchakra News, to the DGCA, but so far in vain.
It is evident from the factual details, that Capt. SM Akhtar is a high headed, habitual offender and a perpetual violator of DGCA Rules & Regulations. In the absence of any timely preventive action by the DGCA emboldened Capt Majid to flout the rules with more contempt and he has eventually compromised the clean flight safety record of MP Aviation on 6th May 2021.
Now in view of the recent crash landing at Gwalior, the DGCA must immediately suspend his pilot license and debar him from flying for all his violations and this crash.
Irrespective of the outcome of the inquiry, if the DGCA carries out a thorough and fair investigation in to the numerous complaints pending against Capt. Akhtar, Kalchakra believes that the DGCA, in the interest of VIP Safety Protocols will come to the conclusion that the flying license of Capt. Syed Majid Akhtar should be permanently withdrawn. This measure shall effectively prevent the aviators turning into anarchists. ▇