Rajneesh Kapur*
Cartel of aviation re-fuelling mafia has been taking airport security for a ride. A major scam in this regard has been unearthed by Kalchakra investigative team. This lapse on the part of various aviation authorities could lead to a major disaster which may take toll of several innocent lives of passengers and can destroy the properties of various Indian airports, in case misused by a terror outfit. It is learnt that DG BCAS, Mr. Rakesh Asthana has taken cognizance of this matter and is believed to have ordered an inquiry into this serious matter.
Lives of millions of innocent air travellers and others are being put on risk at the Indian airports and the authorities so far were turning a blind eye towards such blatant violations being done for years. Recently while boarding a Chennai bound flight, a violation was noticed, which was a grave threat to millions. This violation was being done in an orchestrated manner by a cartel of aviation re-fuelling mafia.
In the instant case an aviation fuel tank truck was spotted refuelling the Indigo flight 2315, scheduled to take off from Delhi’s Terminal 2 on 14th June 2019. The registration plate of the tank truck had a registration number DAR-0018 pasted on it (see picture). Interestingly, the number was written in a black ink on a white background, contrary to the rule where all commercial vehicles need to fix a RC plate screwed tightly on the vehicle on yellow surface with black ink.

The series of the number appeared suspicious to this journalist, who was boarding the same flight. On investigating the RC details of the tank truck, it was revealed that the number belonged to a Maruti car manufactured in 1984 (see picture).

The matter was shared on the social media and got a mixed response. Some said that as these trucks move in a restricted area, the Motor Vehicles Act is not applicable. After checking the facts and rules from different officials in DGCA and MoCA, it was found out that these trucks move on the normal roads as well to fetch aviation fuel from the refineries. Apart from this the trucks require repairs and maintenance etc. which is available only outside the airports area. Hence all the norms of a registered motor vehicle are mandatory.
A senior official with Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) was informed about a notification of 1992 by his subordinates, wherein these tankers were not covered under the Motor Vehicles Act. However Kalchakra’s investigation revealed that as per the Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organisation (PESO), it is mandatory for these tank trucks, operating at the airports or carrying aviation fuel, to have a proper registration (see application form).
According to the sources of BCAS, the DG Mr. Rakesh Asthana has immediately ordered an inquiry on this scam. This inquiry will open a Pandora’s Box, similar to the infamous Fodder Scam, where vehicles registered as two wheelers were shown to ferry truckloads of fodder. Kalchakra’s team will update its readers on the development of this fuel scam.
*Rajneesh Kapur is an investigative journalist and the Managing Editor of Kalchakra